About Me

Serial Hobbyst

For as long as I can remember I have followed my dad through many hobbies. When I was a child he was constantly buying and selling things getting in and out of many hobbies, it's who we are. The majority of our hobbies have been RC related, we started out racing RC cars, then we sold that stuff and got into RC planes, then we sold all of that and got into helicopters, that's when I found racing drones. After that I have been hoocked on theese drones, I am more into the freestyle side. I build, configure, fix, fly, and edit my footage for youtube, and I love it all. I've also been in and out of downhill longboarding for a long time, and my family is starting to get into off-road Jeeping.

Development History

I have been programming since around 7th grade, I started out programming HTML in a class at school. After that I was hoocked, my method for a while was to just learn as much as possible. I wen't from language to language making as many projects as I could mostly following youtube videos. After a while I decided to start focusing more, I purhcased a MacBook and started using Swift to create iOS apps. I used swift for a couple of years, trying to learn as much about it as I could and making as many projects as possible. After that I decided to experiment with React.js, I have since been working on grasping that.


Programming Style

To me, style is a verry important part of being a developer. Not only in the style of the GUI, but also in the style of the code. Code is like a work of art, there are a million ways to solve a problem with code and it's up to your personal style to find your solution. I like to make my code as neat and readable as possible, that is one of my first priorities because as a developer in the professional world if you leave a project it needs to be clean for the next developer. In web, I also prioritise responsiveness. In this mobile world we live in it's verry imortant that apps and websites work for everyone.


  • Python
  • HTML5
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Swift
  • React.js


Number Memory

This is a project I made for my AP Computer Science class. This app displays an x digit number for an x amount of time both depending on your level, and then you repeat the number back correctly to move on. This app was creeated in Swift using xCode and was tested on an iPhone 8.

Homework List

This is an app I made to help me remember my homework assignments. With this, I can add items, mark them as completed, and delete them. I put a lot of effort into making this app write to the device, saving the data after closing the application. In previeus versions of this program, I had it writing to a database API hosted by google, but the API has sense updated and the old app is broken.

David's Greenhouse

This is a website I made displaying a project for school, an enviormently friendly tiny house. I made this website to display my tiny house at the State Museum Eco Science Fair.

I'm All Around You


Main Youtube

sp00f FPV


Rotor Builds